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4. How can I add a drive larger than 33.8GB?

Yes you can. This does require modifying the TiVo kernel and is not a simple process. Future TiVo upgrades will be replacing this kernel with their own, so you may have problems down the road. But if you don't care read on.

4.1 How do I modify the TiVo kernel to support these large drives?

Well one of the members of the TiVo community sorphin was able to patch the kernel that TiVo uses with large disk support. This is not as cut and dried as blessing a drive as you need to recompile and replace your kernel on the TiVo. If you wish to do it here are the steps needed. WARNING you will need a working Linux system to do it!

  1. Make sure your current Linux distribution has all the development tools installed for it.
  2. Download the files posted on
  3. Download the tivo-ldisk-patch-0.1.tar.gz from in the "Other downloads" section.
  4. Download the script from in the "Other downloads" section.
  5. Edit the script to suit your needs. In particular the two "export" lines should be changed to reflect where you have the files download from TiVo's site.
  6. Execute the script.
  7. Install the files from the tivo-ldisk-patch into your TiVo kernel source over the old files.
  8. Compile the kernel (more to add here)
  9. Install the kernel (more to add here)

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